Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Nov. 30,2011

Can you believe it's the last of November.  I was thinking back to when I was a little girl and I would hear my Grandpa talk about how time flies and the days are just wizzing by.  I never understood it, but I sure do now.  I have a goal to lose as much as I can before my son gets back from his church mission I put him out on the 13 of July of this year.  The 13th of Dec. will be 5 months that means I only have 19 months left to get some major weight off.  I haven't really been seeing results, which I know I won't for probably another 100lbs more  So when my trainer measured me yesterday I really didn't comprehend what it all ment till she added it all up today.  In just over a month I have lost over 20 inches all over my body especially my waist.  I really got excited about this.  My kids had been saying my legs puffyness was down and that my pants around the waist were falling off but I wasn't believing or I guess noticing it.  Tomorrow is weigh in day so after being up last week I hope I'm down. 
Workouts are getting tougher, well not tougher it's my body is tired.  My shoulders ache all the time, my back is even hurting, and my hips are killing me.  I know nothing worth while is easy.  If I'm going to get this off and make changes it's going to take a lot of hard work.  Each day I go to the gym, each minute I work at eating right I need to remember that I am that much closer to that moment in the airport that my son walks right by me looking for his mother.  I am so excited about what's going on with me both inside and out.  I hope we can continue to share this journey, and realize the time is know for all of us no matter what our goals may be.

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