Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Nov. 9, 2011

Today I actually get to the pool for a class which was great.  The only thing was that I had my training session 1 hour later.  So I got out of the pool, showered which is as bad as a training session, and realized I had not eaten that morning.  So I grabbed a banana,and water and had about 15 min. until my trainer.  By the time I got done with the trainer I was really not feeling well.  I will not do that again.  It's surprising that in the 3 weeks my body has gotten use to eating.  I use to go all day with out eating and it never bothered me. True I wasn't excercising everyday either. I do have to comment on having food in the house.  When I came home so hungary, it was so nice to open the fridge and grab a quick turkey sandwich and some grape tomatoes.  Something so simple but fast.  I normally would have gone through drive through.  It really is making life simpler.  And it's amazing to watch my lower legs, which were so swollen, going down.  it's so exciting, I diffently don't want feet or legs like my late husband had.
My daughter gave me a book to read last night so I started it, it's about a man that's dying but has decided to live life to the fullest even when his body shuts down and has to have so much help to do everything.  He has ALS.  During a section in the book the man was writing all kinds of thoughts all the time.  There was one that really struck me and what I'm feeling and going through right now.  It Says, "Accept what you are able to do and what you are not able to do;"  "Accept the past as past, without denying it or discarding it"; "Learn to forgive yourself and to forgive others"; "Don't assume that it's too late to get involved."  No matter what your age or your phycical abilities it's never to late to make changes, learn from the past, but go forward.  It's never to late. Remember my motto  "Why me... Why not me, it's my time"
Tomorrow is weigh in day wish me luck, I hope I can accept it better than last week.


  1. You will do great at your weigh in--remember, the scale is only one tool in measuring your progress. There are so many others and on the days when the scale may not be your friend, focus on the other tools, like how your legs are less swollen.

    Thanks for putting it all out here for the world to read--I know that isn't easy. So many of us are rooting for you and praying for your success. You are totally going to succeed!

  2. I LOVE your blog! I'm not really sure who you are but I think you are amazing for making this change for you and your family. Good Luck and remember when things get hard focus on the things that are good not matter how small that may be!

  3. Hang in there!! You're doing great! Some weeks you will see results on the scale, some weeks you won't. But T is right... focus on the other, more important changes that are taking place. The numbers will go down as you are persistent with your lifestyle change. Embrace the journey. There is so much to learn that you can later share with others. As time passes, you will be able to go back and read your earlier posts and see how far you have come. It's fabulous that you are keeping a record. I wish I would have done that. Keep up the good work!! If you need a cheerleader or a workout buddy, I'd love to be there for you. If you're not on Facebook, my email is
