Tuesday, November 15, 2011


My thoughts are still with last nights blog.  I want to emphasize that this happens where ever we might be,and to anyone that not only may look different, but also to anyone that might do or act different.  Please don't judge you might not know the whole story. 
Enough of that subject.  Tonight was a test for me.  I knew I was planning on going to the 6:00 water arobics tonight.  But I have had a very busy day and have a big job coming on Thurs. so my mind has been fried, as I like to call it.  I finally got home at 5:45 and had decided to not go.  When I got in the house my neighbor was calling going I will see you there right?  I told her I had to much to do and I didn't have time.  She again said I'll see you there right?  She knows me to well.  No one was home, I didn't have to answer to anyone, the little voices started, Go, Stay Home, Go etc.  Finally I just said are you really going to blow it?  So I had to go get dressedand left.  I made it to the class and yes I felt better.  I didn't get my work finished but hopefully I'll have more energy in the morning and can make up for it.  Also while at the gym I had someone slip me a note.  She told me a little about her story.  I was so glad I went because I wouldn't have had that handed to me.  What a special person, she took the time to write me and said just what I needed to hear.
I am into my 4th week, and have done pretty good but as the holidays come closer, and the more advertisments seem to become more colorful and almost like they are real.  It's getting hard, and the poor me voices are coming louder.  You can't have this, and you can't have that.  My trainer is constantly telling me that if it's what I really want then have some but be in control.  Watch my portions.  That scars me more than just saying no, you can't have it.  Marie Calendar pies are on sale this week.  I always buy around 6-10 pies when they are this price.  I always have them in the freezer.  and then it's been known for me to sit down and eat a whole pie.  I am writing this because I don't think I am probably the only one who has done this.  It might not be a pie but it might be something else, the you can't control.  So I need to sit down and make a plan. That is my goal before the week is over.  Make the thanksgiving plan, and also exercise plan!
As Thanksgiving is next week may we all take a moment and ponder on all we have and how blessed we are.  I hope we each take a moment and realize, all the blessings we have recieved this year, and especially for the many special people who have touched my life and I hope yours.


  1. Hey there! It was so fun to meet you the other day. I enjoyed speaking with you and look forward to many more therapeutic conversations to come. You are wise, brave and strong. I am so excited for you and hope to be able to take part in your journey! See you at the club!


    PS... the address to my facebook page is:


    Just copy and paste into your browser window.

  2. I can relate to how eating just a little of something you really like can be scary. I tend to be all-or-nothing in that arena as well because I don't always trust myself to be strong and stop once I've started. I think having a plan for Thanksgiving is an EXCELLENT idea. I may just try that myself!

  3. Oh yes I am loving the have a plan for Thanksgiving idea, I'm going to do that too. That trainer of yours is one smart cookie!

  4. I absolutely LOVE the idea for planning Thanksgiving. That's so perfect, I am going to do that as well this year I think. You inspire me to get to the gym every day, it's easy to come up with a million reasons why you shouldn't do something for yourself (I do the same thing every day) but in the end this is an investment for the rest of your life! It's such a pleasure to read your posts, keep up all your hard work! You deserve this! :)

  5. You are so inspiring! I love making goals and pushing myself around the Holidays. Thanksgiving is one of the hardest times of the year to keep goals when it comes to healthy eating and working out. Planning ahead will put you ahead of the game, very smart. Happy Thanksgiving, I have a feeling you'll do great!! :)

  6. We all struggle around the Holidays! It's just remembering that if we slip up once and eat a cookie it doesn't mean that the whole day is blown so we should just eat the whole batch. It's accepting the mistake and then deciding to be better the rest of the day. And don't forget, we are all routing for you!
