Thursday, December 8, 2011


Weigh in Day - Lost three pounds. I get so frustrated because everyone says thats great, Heck I wasn't happy with 7 - 8lbs, 3 is not enough.  Like I said the other day I'm having a piti party.  Why isn't it enough to be feeling so much better, why isn't enough to see how much more I can do than just six weeks ago.  I'm happier than I've been in a long time, I'm making new friends, friends that have no idea how much their helping me.  (THANK YOU)  Why does the negative creep in, I'm down how come I can't be happy with that?


  1. 3 pounds IS fabulous!! "Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming." John Wooden. This journey is so hard, but every single step you take in a workout, every minute in the pool, every choice you make in your diet is pushing you to become your best self! Keep working hard, you're inspiring to watch.

  2. You just said you are happier now than you have been in a long time! That phrase right there is inspiring and put a giant smile on my face! I AM HAPPY FOR YOU!

  3. You should be very proyd, three pound loss is a very healthy week. You are on an amazing journey to a great new life. I admire your courage. You are such an inspiration. Keep up the great work and know there are so many people cheering for you and inspired by you! You ROCK!
