Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Had a good workout today!  I finally felt like I had done ... more, maybe is what I'm tring to explain.  I'm still not sure.  It's been a hard couple of weeks.  My shoulder is getting worse, and I have made a dr. appointment for this afternoon.
Went to the Dr. and he took X-rays said it was tendenitus or bursidious, he didn't think it was anything to bad, it just wasn't use to being used.  He gave me a cortizone shot and said not to use it till next week.
REALLY... it's Christmas! 
I had a talk this week with a gal that has lost over 100 lbs.  It's taken her over 2 years so she said she lost about 5 lbs a month.  I said I've got to do more than that.  She said something like... she did it slow to learn.  That kind of hit home, I'm not lossing like I want to, but there are things I'm learning.  Even though most of the time I'm feeling that I'm not.  Then something happens that I can do that I couldn't and it hits home maybe I am making progress.  I kind of let myself feel happy today.  My trainer thinks I'm to negative, so as she had me standing up and sitting down she made me say something positive about myself, which is a really hard thing to do.  But one of the times I said someone commented to me this week that I've lost in my face, I don't have as many chins.  She laughed and said I made her laugh. I like when my trainer is happy, and I feel I haven't wasted her time.  She is so patient, and really is working on not only my physical but mental as well.
Now the goal is to conquer writing down what I'm eating.
The holiday eating hasn't actually been to bad, as treats come in my kids eat them before I see them or before I can see what nice people have brought in so I have no idea what to thank them for. (could be a problem) Oh well december and this year will soon be over, and I would imagine when Jan. hits the sports academy will be packed with new people starting their new journey just as I am.  I wish everyone well, this facility has a great staff that care very much about the people that come here.  I hope you that are reading this have a very merry Christmas and that 2012 brings many changes for the good.  Thanks for joining me on my journey, and I get to skype with my son, (the one on the mission) on Christmas and am so excited, I can't help but think about next year at this time, and hope I can keep this journey going so that when he see's me next year I WILL be the changed mom I promised he'd come home to.  I have to remember one day, hour and sometimes minute's at a time.


  1. Something you said hit home with me..."I Kind of Let myself feel happy today." I often keep myself from feeling happy because I think on some level I don't believe I deserve it. And...I think that keeps me from progressing with the weight loss. What a great thing--I just need to let myself feel happy. Thanks for the insight!

  2. Oh yea! Hope you had a fun time chatting with your son! We were talking the other day about how we can all see changes in you! Keep on going!

  3. Eating during holidays is the worst. I think everyone battles this time of the year. I have faith in you. Keep up the hard work. You're the best!
