Monday, December 5, 2011


As I sit here and ponder this I am amazed how forgiving a body can be.  In my case I have abused this poor old body of mine for 50 years.  I have always been over weight but since my husband died and probably for 5 years before that I was pretty much a couch potatoe.  I've never exercised because I never new how.  Walking is exercise but is my worst enemy,  (my trainer loves to walk me, and I am not a nice person when she does) but I am starting to realize how important it is to walk this body.  Even to move this body.
It's the little things over the last week that I've noticed changing.  When I get done swimming and have to shower and then the trial of getting dressed, most people just throw on their clothes without a thought, I don't it takes a lot of time and effort and I have said it's as hard as a workout.  Most people don't even think about jumping in the shower but for a morbedly obese person showering and bathing and keeping up with personal hygeine is very hard. Before I started at the Sports Academy, I hated the way I smelled but the thought of how much work it was to shower or take a bath was more than I could cope with most of the time and so I (I hate nto admit this) just wouldn't.  But it has hit me this week how much easier it is getting.  Even, guys I'm going to talk girl talk again, putting on my bra is getting doable again.  I was to the point my daughter was having to help me get dressed because my arms wouldn't move to put my bra on.  My arms are being raised now over my head, out to the side, and more.  That is so exciting to me.  I love the water arobics class every day and I also love my workouts (even the walking).  I am so grateful that this body is forgiving and can heal itself, and can help me to build my muscles back up.  It is so important for all of us no matter what condition we're in to move.  Move those wonderful bodies we've been given!

1 comment:

  1. Bodies really are amazing! It's fun to hear about all the little improvements you are noticing each week. Sometimes it is hard to see change because it happens so gradually. You're doing great!
