Tuesday, January 3, 2012


 Made it back to the pool today after my pitty party week(did have some hip problems in there)  It felt wonderful and I'm so lucky that I have Mary.  She understands that my body is fighting me (along with my mind)and I feel like I'm falling apart.  She is putting me in the pool for the next couple of days so that I can get my strength and energy back, hopefully by the end of the week I can do a land workout.  Although my shoulder is killing me tonight.
I had to make an emergency trip to SL this afternoon for work and by the time I was out of the car(basically going down getting what I needed and turned around and came back) 3 1/2 hours straight I needed to move I've never needed to do that before I could sit all day.  I think I'm beginning to see and feel the need to move.

OK so I'm watching Biggest Loser season opener tonight.  I know I said I wasn't going to do that.  It's been interesting, the people are not as big as in the last few seasons, but it's just as hard no matter what you have to lose.  They've been passing out, puking, etc.  But they pushed through it and each proved to themselves it could be done.I've got to get that momentum back not only in the gym but also food.  It was nice today to have kids back in school and maybe back to a schedule, but I still need to work on, when things come up and being able to handle them without losing my planning.  I hope you understand what I'm saying.
Tomorrow is a new day!

1 comment:

  1. How frustrating it is to have your body fight you when you are trying to take care of it. Big Hugs to you for pushing through that pain! I can't tell you how many times I have wanted to approach you and give you a hug. (you would probably think I am a little crazy) I am amazed at your perserverance and dedication to losing weight. I tell myself if you do it why not me! Thanks for sharing your story. I love the updates.
