Sunday, January 29, 2012


This week I have found out what true angles are.  People that act on their promptings and follow through with what their feeling or go to see who they feel may need help.  I had a good friend show up this week out of the blue, with a card for a belated Christmas.  We had a nice visit, and when she left I opened the card to read it and out dropped some money.  I know it was a sacrifice for her to have done that, and she didn't know that this week my furnace went out in my shop/store, waterpump went out in my car and then my business computer went down.  I had a good friend that is also an angel come and get my car to fix it, but then I had to drive my truck that my daughter drives.  But it was on empty because neither of us had money to put gas in. All I could think of was how was I going to get to the gym. The ladies money enabled me to get some gas so I could go to the gym. This same lady came back a couple of days later and I told her all that had happened, and because of her generousity I had been able to  continue going to the gym without missing a day.  I was and am so grateful, that people are so kind and generous in so many ways.  It doesn't always have to be monitary, it could be sweet acts of service, it could be a listening ear.  I feel so grateful for all those that are watching over me both down here and my angels in heaven.
In addition to the realization of how lucky I am by having people that I call angels, I also realized that all that went wrong this week would have sent me into a total fit/depression normally.  But this week I went to the gym everyday even when it got overwelming, and I got through it.  That is very different than how I would have had it in the past.  I would have sat in my chair eating anything I could have gotten my hands on.  This week I chose to do it different.  I even filled out applications and am trying to find a job that I could do at night and still keep my home business going during the day.
Today I cleaned my house.  I know I should have been at church, but sometimes I get more out of turning on Sounds for Sunday and catching up.  Today was one of those days.  But I really hadn't thought I'd clean my house.  So all of a sudden I got the bug, got my vacumn that I have only probably used once because I couldn't stand long enough to vacumn, and I vacumned the living room.  I was sweating but I had done it.  I got all excited and went to empty the dirt and there wasn't any.  What the...  My kids had clogged the vacumn so tight I had to clean it out for an hour with a hanger.  Then I had to start all over again.  But as I got done with one room I went onto the hall, then the bathroom, then the dining room, then the kitchen, I don't think my youngest quite knew what to think because she's never seen me clean like that before.  Its usually her that does it. I don't know why but it sure felt good to do it, and now I start a new week with a put together house.  YEA!!  The journey is starting to feel better. Thanks to everyone YOU are all my angels and YOU  keep me going.  THANKS!

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