Monday, February 27, 2012


It's been a week since I've written, but I had to take a minute today and say what a great day!  Let me bring you up to date on what happened at my weigh in last Thurs.  For the month of Feb. I only lost two pounds.  I was pretty bummed because as far as I'm concerned I've worked really hard and am trying to do everything I've learned.  I was upset and so we measured.  I lost over 12" this month.  That puts me at 34lbs, and 42" in 4 months.  I am doing 30 laps in 30 min. in the pool, plus going to water arobics and also training on land.  My meals are getting better and thats what I wanted to talk about today.  As in previous blogs there are times that my work takes over and today had the potential of doing that.  But I got up and did my 30 laps, plus a water class.  I went home and took a min. to make a snack.  The next 5 hours was spent working and doing it all by myself (and did it, YEA!) I took a min. to then have lunch, before I had to go set my job up.  It ended up looking so great, and I felt good at what I had accomplished, but more importantly still took the time to do what I had to do for myself.  It's been a eye opener lately how things are changing.  How my mind works differently, how my body is starting to expect the exercise.
People told me when I started that it takes 21 days for a habbit to form, well for an obese person it takes a lot longer because it's more about what's going on in the head more than even the body.  I've told myself for so long that I can't do things, that it's hard to say now I can or at least try to do it.
It's been so good to have to come to the gym and account to someone, and the support that has come from all of the clients, staff, trainers, etc. is greatly appreciated.  I have ment so many people that are so awesome, and they each have their own story as to why their there.  Thanks to you all!

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