Thursday, January 10, 2013


Happy New Year!!!   I am looking forward to many wonderful and different things in 2013.  My trainer and I have been working very hard to get me back to where I was before my knees started to bug me so bad.  Lots of swimming, but also cardio and strength training.
But the thing I wanted to mention today is about changes.  I have talked about this before, but right now I'm going through some new changes.  I think I mentoined in my earlier blogs I have gotten a job.  Well we have opened and I am trying to understand and get a grip on this job.  Many days I have been going from early morning till late at night.  My body is revolting!!!  It hasn't been up and going like this in many, many, many, years.  And I still have so much to do and learn, that it's only the start.  I have found myself having daily meltdowns, and find myself saying I can't do this.  Mary (trainer) has been wonderful through this all and she just says anytime we have life changes, we just have to take things slowly and do our best, and most important BREATH.  I think I haven't been breathing.  So my goal for this week is to finish getting my room set up, and the activites organized, so that the care givers can find the things they need for the residents. (I'm the activites director at a new assisted living center).  Then get a handle on the things that I'm going to do with the seniors, and then maybe I can start enjoying this new chalenge in my life.
I have never had to juggle work (away from home) still take care of everything that a mom does, and then still I have my home business.  I need to understand I have to make a schedule and keep it.  I'm so used to coming home from the gym and then not having to do much, maybe a customer here and there, but no set time line.  Now I have to be on my toes, I never know when I'm going to the center so I've had to start doing my hair and makeup, and trying to look more presentable.  No more sweats and a t-shirt.  IT SUCKS.  I have never had to take care of myself.  And yet I suppose that's how I allowed myself to get to 450lbs.
On a whole different note I got to skype my son thats serving a church mission over Christmas.  It has revitalized my goal of being better than when he left.  I don't know that I'll have the 150lbs off that I wanted, but we are shoting for at least 100.  Whatever I do I hope he see's the new mom I'm becoming.  I do feel that I have made some drastic changes over the lady that started a year ago.  They seem to be suttle, but there are many.  and in the next 7 months there's going to be even more.  By being not around the house doing nothing, I am seeming to be getting my food under control a lot better than I have been, and by being up and walking I really hope that that scale that hasn't moved for 6 months will start plumiting in the right direction again.
So as this New Year starts, I hope we can all chose what we want to change in our lifes, and keep in mind where we want to be a year from now.  Nothing worthwhile happens overnight, I finally have figured out that this journey I'm on is going to take a long time.  There is going to be different stages that I go through.  Last year seemed to be the lets get off your butt stage and show yourself you can still move, this year's stage is going to be lets conquer being back in the job market, because of the hard work you've done in the last year.  And realizing that I do have things to share with people, and that I can in my own way give service, and help to those I work with, just like so many people have given to me these last few years.  I love all of you that help me every day stay on my journey.  I thank you so much, your my inspration.

Friday, December 14, 2012


Well we made it through 12/12/12/ .  Actually I hear the end is on the 21.
Update I made it through my land workout. I succeeded in doing the 5 curcuits I was dead, I think the worst part was going up the stairs.  I hadn't been upstairs for months because of my knees.  But through the grace of God or by that stuff the ladies in the pool told me about my knees right now are doing great.  It really is a miracle. But I did three exercises twice, for each curcuit.  I think she said I did about thirty different ones.  I love the weight machines and it felt great to be back on them.
Yesterday was pool workout.  She had me do some CRACY things I've never done before.  I felt like pulling her in and saying," you do them".  Because sometimes some things seem impossible.  But there not, and there strengthening my core and other things without me realizing it.  Oh My Gosh the front of my thighs are KILLING me this morning.  I just thought she was just tring to frustrate me, and liked to was me fling and flale in the pool like a beached whale. 
Not really, in this time of year I would like to take a minute and thank Mary my trainer, and every body else at the sports accademy.  I watch my trainer, and stand in amazement at this young woman.  She's gorgeous, smart (having just completed her masters, and now onto her doctorate) and so giving.  She works 18 hour days on our behalf.  Trying to help others to, in the end be happy.  She's always saying I need to be greatful for what I have not what I don't have.  So today I'm greatful for this journey, and the many special people that have come into my life because of it.  Thank you, for your support, words of encouragement, a smile, or saying "you can do it, I know you can".  Just keep coming it will work!  It is working, not near as fast as I'd like, but I'm learning some amazing things along the way, that if it came off fast I wouldn't learn and I'd be this size again.
So thank you to everyone.  I hope by recording how I feel on this journey that someone out there may be helped.  Keep on with the journey, whatever your journey is!!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


I suceeded in my workout this morning. Did 9 warmup laps before Mary got there, then did 20 laps in 30min. 55 sec.  2 of the laps were kicking with a kick board.  Doesn't sound so tough?  Well I've never done it ever without fins, I never could make myself move.  Today I did it!!!  It took seven of those almost 31 min. but I was able to do it.  It felt good!
Then I stayed for the other two water arobic classes, tonight I feel like I over did it.  It's 7:00 and I'm headed for bed.
Goal for tomorrow:  5 lifting circuts in 1 hour, wish me luck.
It's good to be back, although tonight I also feel like I'm getting sick all over again.  I hope I can fend it off.  Any ideas of any home remedies?  My chest is full of crud.

Monday, December 10, 2012


Hi bloggers,
Its been awhile again, and as I recall the last time I blogged I promised I would do better. But that's life isn't it, we allow things to get in the way of what we need to do.  We always find excuses.
 But right at this minute life is good.  Just some qiick things to bring you guys up to speed on what has happened.  In Oct. I was finally sent down to Makey Dee hospital to a knee Dr.  and he found out I not only needed one knee but that both are shot.  He was willing to do surgury, but when he said their only good for 10-15 years I asked what my options were.  He said surgury or tough it out.  But they also said I have arthritis under my right knee cap and thats probably what I.m feeling, also that it can't get any worse if I go full speed ahead at the gym.  My knee will just hurt.  So as long as I am not damaging it we have decided to go full speed ahead.  So since Oct. I have been going to the gym as scheduled.  There are days my knee kills, and now I no my Dad wasn't kidding when he can tell the change in the weather, it really is true.  The ladies in the pool have turned me onto some supplements that I also have been faithfully taking that I think is helping the knee also. So until I can't take the pain anymore I will just keep doing what I've been doing, and will keep getting more weight off and getting stronger so that when the time does come that I need surgury I will be in the best shape possible.
Today I went to the gym, I haven't been for two weeks due to some freak illnesses I've had.  It felt so good to be back, and I hope it will help strenghthen me to be able to resist more illnesses this winter.
I did 4 miles in twenty minutes on the bike.  The bike is something we had just started before I got sick, and I had done 4 miles in 1/2 hour.  So today I beat that by ten minutes.  That was so cool.  I never did stuff like this before.  The guy next to me was going faster than I was, and as I've commented before I'm a little competitive, so I jacked the machine up higher and away I went.  I was pooped out, and couldn't walk when I got off, but I finished.  Now tomorrow we'll be in the pool, where my trainer wants me to do twenty laps in 1/2 hour, and then we'll do weights the other 1/2.  Also with my swimming I no longer am using my fins.  I can just swim like normal people.  Remember when I first started and when I swam I swam backwards, even though I was aiming forwards!  I think back how far I've come, I've been at this journey now a year.   The last of Oct. was a year.  I need to work a lot harder on my eating again.  It's so important to write everything you eat down.  Also I've gotten out of the habbit of eating breakfast again.  It's amazing how fast old habbits creep back in, it really has brought home to me when people tell you it's a lifestyle change it really is.  You have to be aware at all times what your doing for the rest of your life, or the bad habbits quickly return.
The biggest news I have to tell you is that I have a new addition to my household.  Her name is Molly and she is a 4 month old Labradoddle.  Boy I feel like I have a baby in the house again, oh wait, I do. 
But I have written how lonely I've been, and how much I have missed my son's dog.  Mary my trainer has been encouraging me to find a dog, I think she wanted me to have to walk, but I wanted something to talk to besides the 4 walls.  Well both is happening, I'm always getting up out of my chair chasing her because she's in the chewing puppy stage. We go out for walks mutiple times a day, and I actually get down on the floor and play with her, and now I can Even get up!!!  Life is good, have a great day, and continue the journey!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


This summer has been eventful like I said in the post I just wrote.  I lost a good friend, neighbor, confidont, and also my DR.  She was a really fantastic woman, one that people just wanted to be around, because of how she made you feel.  Her and I also swam years ago together till her diagnoise of cancer.  As I observed this family over the last several years, it always struck me how positive they always were, and that they were more concerned how everyone else was doing rather than them.  What an inspiration they are to me.  But at the funeral I felt like I had a realization.  I realized I had someone on the other side that really knew how I felt and that she would be helping me and giving me some of her always positive energy from heaven.  Every since then I have had a different perspective on life.  I realize how precious life is.  For a woman who was so needed on this earth by so many people, was still taken.  She had to go through hell before she could finally leave.  But through everything she went through you never heard her complain, or ask why me.  She just took it and did so valiantly.
But I have a little extra umph.  I know it's her up there cheering me on.  Like I said this summer has been eventful.  My knee has been giving me alot of pain, and it's not getting better in fact I'm trying to figure out how I can get an MRI.  It's put me back on my training some.  I have been doing alot in the pool but it still hurts.
    But the thing I want to talk about the most is how the world wants to know how much have you lost?  Why can't we ask people, what changes have you seen in your life?  Sometimes it's not about what the scale says.  Let me explain...this summer I have seen some extrodinary changes in my life.
I have been able to start doing things again that I haven't done in years.  They might seem very small to some people, but to me it's been like loseing 100 lbs.  The biggest thing I've noticed is my strength and stamina.  To be able to go out and set up my jobs, help unload my trailers, it's been years.  Even my girls commented on how much I was helping with.  Then in the last three weeks I have totally taken over my shop ( I have a home business)  It was a disaster, and I have worked 8 - 12 hour days to find and organize my store again.  I figure it's probably been 8- 10 years since it's been this organized my little girl says, ever. I am so grateful to my trainer, to my friends at the sports academy, my family, etc. for giving me the encouragement I've needed to keep going.  In the beginning I couldn't see any difference, all I knew is that I hurt all the time. Now I see what I'm being able to physically do again.  I see that I've gone from a size 44 pant and now I'm in a 36 and their getting really lose in the waist.  I've gone from a 6x shirt, and the other day I bought a 3x.  Even though I've not even lost 50 lbs, I'm finally starting to see the things that are changing my life, and even more than that I should say giving me my life back.  I have been at this 11 months now I really wanted 100 lbs off by now, that hasn't happened, but look at what has.  My goal is still to have 150 lbs. off by July when my son gets home off his church mission.  Things are finally coming together, not like I thought they would, but I quess how they were suppose to.  So all I can do is go forward, keep on trying and hope that my body parts get better and put the pedal to the medal and just keep on, keeping on.  What a journey it has been, and how fast it is going, I need all of your support, and encouragement on this journey.  It has been really eye opening how much has to do with mental.  Especially about my opinion of myself.  We all need to love ourselves, before we can love others.
We need to be able to accept us as we are, and if we need to make some changes then do our best to accomplish whatever changes we need to make. My late friends husband wrote on his facebook this week a quote that really struck me.  It says "If you do what you've always done, you will get what you always got.  If you want something you've never had, you must do something you've never done." Keep joining me on this journey your doing great!!


My daughter keeps saying mom update your blog.  Friends say we've missed your blog please keep doing it.  I didn't realize it had been all summer, so sorry about that.  I do have several entry's that I will be making, that I had hand written but just didn't get them posted.  so here goes.

This one I wrote late at night several months ago.  It says ten months but it must have been closer to 9 months into this journey....   Well I've been at this for ten months know and all I can say is I'm depressed, no not depressed but disappointed.  I can still not get past the 50 lb mark, heck I can't even get to 50 lbs.  The gym people that are helping me are doing all they can, so the rest is up to me.  obvisously I'm doing something wrong or I'd be losing.  I had someone comment to me the other day...Man if I had what you have a trainer, dietition, place to work out I'd be doing my darndest, I wouldn't be throwing it away, I'd be working so hard... What's wrong with you?  All I could say is I don't know!  I have been going everyday unless I'm out of town, my food has been I think more in control than ever, and I still don't do anything.  Some people say Your Depressed.  I don't consider I'm depressed, I'm lonely.  I have made some great friends at the gym, I have 4 great kids that I tried to raise to have their own lifes, so they are not responsible for me, yes I had a husband but he dropped dead.  I'm just lonely I don't like sitting and looking at the 4 walls.  I thought I had some really good friends but they have their own lifes.  My kids tell me to go out and get a life, well thats easier said then done.  Some people say take pills, been there done that.  I thought thats what exercise was suppose to do for me.  So I say I don't know alot and am trying to go on.
So back to my weight loss or lack of it.  I know people don't think I'm taking this seriously but I really am. ( The next few lines are exactly as I wrote them at the time, Its not how I now feel) 
I need to do this for me, but when I don't care and there's no one else, there just doesn't seem to be a reason.  I see now how my husband felt, he didn't care either.  I don't want to be like him, I don't want to go through what he did, but I do WANT EASY!  I was watching a movie the other night It was Mr. Magoriums wonder Imporium(or something like that)  The girl was doubting herself, she felt she didn't have the magic that the store had.  The guy was telling her that the magic wasn't in the store that the magic was in her.  She had the power within her to make the store magic.
I don't know why that struck me but it did, I have the power no  one else does.
       For the summer there's another fat show on the TV, I think the trainer is Kris.  This show is the closest in reality shows that I have seen.The things they go through and how they feel, and the frustration they feel for not only the fat person but also for the trainer, is really spot on.  Sometimes the people make their goals and sometimes they don't, but what ever they accomplish it's better than when they started.
         Everyone wants me to walk more, get more steps in, it will get you moving down again.  But no one seems to understand that my feet really hurt.  I know they will until the majority of this weight is off.  I never had the aches and pains that I've had since I started.  I realize if I had ever been an athlete I would understand better, but it seems like everything is going to pot.  I should be getting stronger instead of turning into a wimp!  Here's my theory...  The fatter the person the more it holds things together, now that some is coming off it's allowing things that are, let's say, broke are starting to wiggle around and it's really hurting.  The DR'S laughed at me.
Now that I vented like a normal fat person, "OH WOEST ME" I'd like to say I am still thankful for this oppotunity, and I'm not giving up.  For as crazy as a summer as I've had I really think I've done pretty good.  The best thing that happened is I have a new grandson.  Although he might as well have come out walking he weighed 10lbs. 10 ounces.  He's a big boy.
Another problem I've been dealing with, and maybe some of you are going through the same thing, is I think I'm going through" the change".  What a roller coaster, I've talked about this before but it is really doing a number on me.  One day I feel on top of the world and have tons of energy, and the next if you look at me wrong I burst into tears and feel like the world is against me.  I really feel that this has alot to do with my weight loss and everything.  if anyone has a magic potion please let me know. 
         Well as always it's a journey, one that needs to be taken one day at a time.  Sometimes one hour or minute at a time.  But as long as we keep trying eventually we'll get to where we're going.  Hang in there and just know there's never going to be a dull moment!!

Saturday, June 16, 2012


As always it's been awhile.  I am tring so hard to concentrate on what I'm suppose to be doing, that I forget to do my blog.  I am doing well at going to the gym.  I think I'm happy with how it's going.  My food still is a struggle.  But as always my trainer has come up with a paper that I finally understand that I just fill in.  It has what I need to eat (what food group), when, and how much. So it is going a little better.  I weighin this week so we'll see how it's going.
On another note, a BIG THANKYOU needs to go out to the ladies in the pool that threw me a party for reaching my first goal.  It was so much fun!!  You will never know how much each of you have come to mean in my life.  You truly are family.  They asked me how they could help me because I still feel like I'm spinning my wheels.  I had mentioned that my trainer needs me to walk additional walks during the day.  It's hard for me to go out and walk by myself, so each of the ladies are coming over to walk me in the evenings, they are sacrificing their time to see that I am doing what I'm suppose to do.  That's going over and above being a friend.  To you all THANKYOU I will never be able to repay you all for doing this for me.  All I can do is hope to be able to help someone, somewhere, that's struggling, and be a support to them like the ladies are being to me. 
On a funny note my pants are getting so big that it's really funny.  I was tring to get the belt tightened even more and my little girl was laughing her head off because they're still so big.  She did complement me though in her own little way, when I said that I really need to send for some smaller pants, and her coment was that as soon as they come the way I'm going I'll need smaller ones.  I'm glad she's noticing. It really is (I think) starting to click.  I realize It will still be like a roller coaster, meaning I'll have my good days and bad, but I'm feeling better.  I am really starting to notice more things all around that I'm doing again and It's so fun.  It's nice to be more happy again than always being sad!!  I promise I'll be back more often, and cont. on this journey with me.